Gidon Ernst
Junior Professor for Software Verification
Software and Computational Systems Lab
Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich
Email: gidonernst (*)
I’m a computer science researcher working with logic and formal methods towards more reliable software and systems.
- Professional Activities⬈
- CONNECTIONS 2019 | Computer Artist Workshop | by Fuzzy Binaires (participant)
- VerifyThis (co-organizer 2018, participant)
- Django Girls Munich (coach 2015)
- Jugendparlament am Oberrhein/Parlement des Jeunes du Rhin supérieur e.v.
(co-organizer 2003-2007)
Projects & Software
- SecCSL: Logic and tool for information flow security of low-level concurrent code
- FalStar: a tool for hybrid system falsification
- KIV: an interactive theorem prover
- IMP 3: integration of shape analysis and theorem proving
- Flashix: a verified file system for flash memory
- Takatuka JVM for embedded devices
Shadow Yoga Instructor
The Shadow Yoga Instructor is a game about being invisible. By using your own body to block and absorb light, you are able to reach a higher state of being.
With blinry, Diego, Nina, and others.
See also BluesBot.
Ulang is a small un(i)typed functional programming language based on tagged values and pattern matching. It’s a hobby project to prototype some ideas and as such it is in early stages of development.
Arse is a small parser combinator library written in Scala. It depends on bk, a tiny library for non-local goto; and tst, a tiny library for unit test specifications. Furthermore, you will need Li Haoyi’s neat sourcecode library.
In contrast to more featureful and performant packages such as fastparse and parseback, and the older (and slow) Scala parser combinators it aims to be minimal, easy to use, and have concise grammar specifications in Scala. The library parses from strings and supports implicit whitespace, regular expressions, ordered choice, and mixfix operators with precedence. Examples: minimal and Ulang expressions.
Chladnis Tricks (Download)
This app for Android Phones shows absurd animations in reaction to different sounds. In collaboration with Martina Kändler. See also Ernst Chladni.